One Reply to “Pixellated Ice”

  1. Hey Matt,I feel this way almost etmvyriee I even start drawing, painting digitaly or traditionaly.I often have this sence of I should give up before I even begin. I started drawing (with pen and pencils) daily about 3 years ago, and only started digitaly and painting for a little over a half a year. (using a porgram called Corel paint) But the worst part of this is I use a program that it seems no one has even heard of sometimes. I’ll be fine with my lineart (my stronghold in art) and when I think it looks great I look at the other guy and he is way ahead of me. Then I see his paintings! I look everywhere for help, tuitorials, WIPs, anything, and in the end, I find that they always say Its 99 percent hard work . But give no help what so ever. I found you website after searching one faithful day on Youtube, and I really must say that you have helped my digital paintings a lot, but I still feel this sence I am never making good progress. My work is nothing the way I want it to look, and everyone is learning a LOT faster than me and is much better than me in the get go. In fact most of the artists that I have seen are way way better than me are only 14-17 years old! (and yes they are DIGITAL ARTISTS)Personaly wIth traditonal I feel confident that I can draw well (enough to get by) but when I switch to a tablet or a brush, I feel like I have never even drawn before and have to invent the wheel so to speak. With some of these artists it seems they never even started bad, have always been great and never even seen harsh defeat.With me I have only finished 1 painting in the entire time I have started digitaly and have started countless new starts. I hope in the future that I’ll be able to be confident just as I am with traditional, but I know that will be a long long ways away. Thankyou for making this video and this site Matt.

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